If you can imagine Aubrey squatting in front of Stanley, bending way over so she can get low enough to get almost nose to nose with him, this is what you would hear her soft, high voice saying.
"Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi...."
She is infatuated. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Belles of the Ball
Cinderella's ball that is! A friend of mine (Georgia's mom) invited Taylor and me to go see the Cinderella play with her and Georgia last weekend. This was Taylor's first play and we really had a great time. It was put on by a Christian group at a college here in St. Louis, and it was very well done. Taylor has still never seen the movie so the fact that they strayed a bit from the "original" was not a problem for her. However, being the four-year-old little girl that she is, Taylor was full of questions and fascination.
She said her favorite part was, "when Cinderella was in her blue and white dress, and then when she was in her white dress (wedding dress)."
I love how she is just so 120% feminine one day, and then two days later we are at a playground and she is sprawled out on the ground, rubbing her tummy in the dirt just to see how dirty she can get!...and she did an impressive job! Good thing she was in her overalls! All in all, she is a joy and we have had some good times together. Thanks, Jesse, for another first.
I love how she is just so 120% feminine one day, and then two days later we are at a playground and she is sprawled out on the ground, rubbing her tummy in the dirt just to see how dirty she can get!...and she did an impressive job! Good thing she was in her overalls! All in all, she is a joy and we have had some good times together. Thanks, Jesse, for another first.
Taylor's Quotable
Just to give you an idea of how much Taylor likes our new kitten i have to post this quote.
When we were putting the girls to bed Taylor asked me, "Mommy, right away in the morning can I wake up and right away go and get you and you get up right away and we go see the kitten right away?"
When we were putting the girls to bed Taylor asked me, "Mommy, right away in the morning can I wake up and right away go and get you and you get up right away and we go see the kitten right away?"
Meet Stanley!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
2007 Reunion (Scroll down for Beginning)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We had a big bumper pool tournament, which helped keep the guys busy for a while. I was the only girl and I lost in the first round- barely, oh well. Greg knew I was taking this picture so he "posed" for me, but totally messed up his shot! Oops! Another funny thing that I didn't notice until these pictures were together is that Greg and Josh's shirts are exactly the same!
I guess that is what happens when you have wives who have very similar tastes.
Jana was one of my closest cousins when I was growing up and everyone said Taylor must have somehow known that, because she immed
iately befriended her and almost literally did not leave her side until we left the reunion! The sad thing was that Jana and her husband did not get to come until the day before we left! Hopefully, this time we won't wait so long to see each other again.
My mom eating up every moment with her family, and enjoying the amazingly pleasant Texas summer evening! (Her mom is on the left and Aunt Linda one of her sisters is on the right.)
Jana was one of my closest cousins when I was growing up and everyone said Taylor must have somehow known that, because she immed
16th Annual Family Reunion
Every year since we moved to Texas my parents have hosted a family reunion at their house for my Mom's side of the family, who are spread all over the southern half of the U.S. Growing up, this was always one of the highlights of the year. But it has become more difficult to put together as we cousins have begun to grow up and get jobs, school responsibilities, families of our own etc. And hosting has gotten harder as the number of people in the family continues to increase! Last year my parents decided we were probably done with reunions because it was just too complicated with this many people. Well everyone was so sad that my parents, being the host and hostess of the year, decided to accommodate everyone and invite the family to the lake house for a week! (origially 41 people total!) As reality set in, Mom started getting alittle nervous thinking about were everyone was going to sleep and how to organize all the meals and stuff, so I helped her out when I was there in June. I hope she was able to look forward to it more after that. So thanks to them and to the Lord for making it possible, we had another great reunion with our family. Everyone really stepped up and helped out selflessly and we all just had a great time together! The reunion just happened to fall right after that area of Texas was completely flooded with rain, so the lake was not considered "safe" for swimming etc. But our wonderful neighbors blessed us beyond words by letting us use their pool (and offering everything from volleyball equipment to snacks to tours of their beautiful house!) Given the circumstances, this could have been a rough week. But because God chose to bless us in numerous ways, our family truly had a great time.
Here is Taylor in the neighbors' pool with my cousin Scott and her cousin Caitlyn.
This is Micah, Caitlyn's brother. I wish I remembered what he was laughing at!
Josh and Aubrey enjoy a quiet moment together on the beach.
Carrying around really big stuffed animals is one of Aubrey's favorite activities!
Here is Taylor in the neighbors' pool with my cousin Scott and her cousin Caitlyn.
This is Micah, Caitlyn's brother. I wish I remembered what he was laughing at!
Josh and Aubrey enjoy a quiet moment together on the beach.
Carrying around really big stuffed animals is one of Aubrey's favorite activities!
Taylor Loves Her Babies
Those of you who know Taylor know that at this point in her life, babies are her world. Everywhere she goes she hopes there is a baby (real or pretend) and if there is one she will spend every moment she can holding it.
She is amazingly nurturing and gentle with them, and so fun to watch as this little mother comes out of her when she is holding them and she is just so tender and careful. She gets upset with Aubrey when she is not "treating" or "holding her baby right," and she really doesn't like it when she puts her baby down for a nap, and Aubrey comes up and (thinking the baby is available) "wakes her up!" We are working on helping Taylor understand that Aubrey doesn't understand her pretend play, and that the pretend baby is not as important as her real sister.
During this trip to Texas we got to meet two new babies and Taylor just could not get enough! The Mommies were very gracious and let Taylor hold them a lot. I am grateful that she is so gentle and good with them, because I really didn't feel nervous at all about it! She had it under control! ;) She is going to make a wonderful Mommy some day.
This is Taylor with my friend Jody and her baby Cailey (I hope I spelled that right!) at less than a week old!
And here she is with my cousin's baby Elizabeth. (Taylor's favorite name in the whole world!)
During this trip to Texas we got to meet two new babies and Taylor just could not get enough! The Mommies were very gracious and let Taylor hold them a lot. I am grateful that she is so gentle and good with them, because I really didn't feel nervous at all about it! She had it under control! ;) She is going to make a wonderful Mommy some day.
And here she is with my cousin's baby Elizabeth. (Taylor's favorite name in the whole world!)
Happy Belated Independance Day!
This is obviously overdue, but I got some fun pictures of our little July 4th celebration that I wanted to share. This was the girls' first time with fire works or anything and they were pretty funny about it. They both were very interested until they started getting loud, then they both just wanted to be held . Taylor wanted to hold every roman candle we did, but she was so very cautious around everything. (She would not get within ten feet of anyone holding a sparkler!) This kind of caution must be a Day thing, because every amount of caution I have is because I know I have to be that way- not because I want to be that way. ;) Some of you know what I mean. Of course, it could just be a firstborn thing. Whatever the case, everyone had a good time celebrating our country's birthday...except for Dad's little- shall we say- run in with Jake the dog, who was quite nervous and up tight around all the fire and noise. Sorry, Dad, hope everything has healed up by now!
Taylor showing little sister how to safely opperate a roman candle.
Aubrey learning the joys of playing with fire- I mean sparklers. Check out the intensity on her little face!
Taylor showing little sister how to safely opperate a roman candle.
Aubrey learning the joys of playing with fire- I mean sparklers. Check out the intensity on her little face!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Virtual Tour of the Day Home
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