"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Capmbell, the past couple weeks
Campbell had his one month check up today. He already weighs 13 lbs. 5oz.! That would explain why he is in size 3-6 mos now and wearing size 2 diapers. Everything looked good in the exam and he got one shot. :( I don't have much else to say. I just wanted to share these pictures since I haven't put any up in a while, and I thought it would be good to post some with his eyes open!
What a CUTE CHUNK, Katie! What are you feeding that boy? Or wait, he's a Day boy, so that answers that, I guess! He's adorably cute though and I am sure you guys are enjoying every moment, even the sleepless ones, right? Well, maybe not so much, but they will soon pass too, as you know! love you guys, Abby~
Glad he is a boy with all of that meat on him! He is going to pass up Dakota~ She was 13lbs. 9oz. at 4 months! Love the pictures and wish I could hold him! He looks very "squeezable." I hope you are doing well! Oh yeah and I didn't get the picture on the tractor...I too wish Cassidy and Aubrey lived close. I have alway thought they have similar personalities. Love to all you guys! Kristin
What great pictures! We sure enjoyed our trip there and can't wait for your trip to Texas! I think Campbell (or is that Capmbell??)has grown just since we were there. Much love, Nana & Papa
Hey Katie! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you! We were out of town for 5 weeks and since we've gotten back it's been a little crazy. Campbell is too cute! I would love to come visit you and see him when you have time! I'll call soon! ~Missy
What a CUTE CHUNK, Katie! What are you feeding that boy? Or wait, he's a Day boy, so that answers that, I guess! He's adorably cute though and I am sure you guys are enjoying every moment, even the sleepless ones, right? Well, maybe not so much, but they will soon pass too, as you know!
love you guys,
Glad he is a boy with all of that meat on him! He is going to pass up Dakota~ She was 13lbs. 9oz. at 4 months! Love the pictures and wish I could hold him! He looks very "squeezable." I hope you are doing well! Oh yeah and I didn't get the picture on the tractor...I too wish Cassidy and Aubrey lived close. I have alway thought they have similar personalities. Love to all you guys! Kristin
What great pictures! We sure enjoyed our trip there and can't wait for your trip to Texas! I think Campbell (or is that Capmbell??)has grown just since we were there. Much love, Nana & Papa
Thanks for the birthday call today:)
Okay he's too cute. I wanna kiss his squirshy cheek. His "hair cut"
is so cute, too!
Hey Katie!
I'm so sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you! We were out of town for 5 weeks and since we've gotten back it's been a little crazy.
Campbell is too cute! I would love to come visit you and see him when you have time! I'll call soon!
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