Yesterday, was another nice sunny day. We are loving this sunshine! Every day we try to get out and do something fun with Taylor before the snow and cold comes and "going out" becomes a little more of an ordeal. (Although we are looking forward to playing in the snow whenever it does decide to come and visit!) Anyway, we went to the zoo yesterday and that is what this picture is all about! Taylor loved the animals and Aubrey enjoyed the backs of her eyelids the whole time. We got there an hour before closing, so we just kind of sped through it and had fun in the play area. I was quite impressed with Josh for his ability to get into this hippo, but then there were moments where we were wondering if he was ever going to get out! Thankfully he got out before it got too cold outside and he was in good shape to go to class this morning. Oh, the things a daddy will do for his little girl.

great picture that made me chuckle. One question though....is that a life size hippo?
Yes, what a great picture! I went to that St. Louis zoo many times as a kid, with my cousins. And a few years ago, my kids went there too! How fun that you're having nice sunny days, at least for a while anyway.
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