Taylor celebrated her fourth birthday with a horse riding party at the ranch. It is amazing to think that she has been a huge part of our lives for four years! She has been looking forward to being four for a long time, because that means you are really a big girl. Tomorrow is the first day of her Vacation Bible School. She keeps telling people that it is for four-year-
olds, and that means she can go. Whenever she learns something new she attributes it to her being four now. She
technically turned four today, and it was funny hearing her say several times, "I don't feel any different. I don't feel bigger. I still feel three and a half." One thing that was
exhausting at the time but is funny now that I can look back at it and think she understands, was trying to help her understand the difference between a birthday
party and an actual birth

All day yesterday and plenty of times today we had conversations about how the
party was when we celebrated her life, and her
birthday is just the
day/date she was born exactly 4 years ago. Try explaining that to someone who has very little concept of calenders and dates! *Maybe this is a good
opportunity to start teaching that! I was planning on just letting her think she was really four at her party, but I think someone said something that brought up the question. The good thing is, now that she's 4 she understands so much more than when she was only three and a half!!... But you know, from God's point of view, that is how I sound when I think I know
so much now because I am a "mature Christian adult"! And yet, He
so patiently continues on loving me and teaching me.
Well, Taylor truly is an incredible blessing in our lives. I was just watching her play the other day and I was AMAZED at the fact that God has given her to ME to love her and to raise her. (This is one of those "why" questions that I will never be able to fully answer with my four-year-old mind.) But I wait with eager anticipation to see what this next year holds for her as she grows more and more in the grace of God and
develops into the lady God has created her to be.

Happy to be four!
Taylor with Darin and Jody, some of our best friends ever and some of Taylor's favorite people ever.
I kept thinking there is something on June 10th, what is it, oh ya, Happy Birthday Taylor, one day late! Thanks for the pictures Katie, you got some good ones for your time here. Good to see even Sky made your page. It was so good to see you guys again, I know that you would rather not come back and forth all the time, but I sure do enjoy seeing you often, especially since we are not nearly as good at keeping in touch as our husbands are. Slightly ironic, but that is alright.
Yes, great party pictures! Lots of fun!
Hope Taylor had a fun birthDAY. Yes, that is hard to explain. We hardly ever have the kids birthday party on their birthday, so they call one a birthDAY and one a party day! :-)
It sure is hard to believe she is 4. I can't believe that in a few months I will have an 8 year old! That's just crazy!
Birthday and party day- good idea! Thanks!
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