Saturday, April 15, 2006


Taylor and I had a little excitement that I would like to share with anyone who might be amused by it....Taylor was outside with her trike and somehow it rolled into the brush behind our back yard. She could not get it out so, seeing the situation, I came to the rescue. I didn't have any shoes nearby so I just went in my bare feet like the country girl I am (or so thought). I was on my way to get the trike out of the brush when I felt a cold, slithery feeling on and between my toes! I jumped and shreeked loudly as I looked down and saw a very upset snake make its way into the brush. Realizing Taylor saw the whole thing, I laughed and tried to make it seem like no big deal but I still had the shivers! Oh well, I don't know anybody who likes to play footsie with a snake, even if it is only about 18 inches long.

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